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by collection by typology
Filo Delfo Piano in ceramica Itaca Kanto Otis Siwa Marcel Plinio Milano I Narcisi Theo Kyros I Catini Elle Arcadia Delfo Tiberio Multiplo Sella Les Petites Shui Comfort Era Le Bacinelle Shui Mare Le Giare Fluid Smile Orinatoi Enjoy Piatti doccia Catino Accessori Complementi d'arredo
washbasins toilets and bidets shower trays bathtubs mirrors urinals furnishings / accessories
on-top washbasins wall-hung washbasins semi-recessed and undercounter washbasins freestanding washbasins washbasins with cabinets/frameworks
floor mounted wc & bidet wall hung wc & bidet close coupled toilets
shower trays
bath tubs
mirror with storage mirror without storage
wall-hung urinals
towel rails and accessories sacche basket pouffe and storage
cm Ø 40 x 16 hOn-top washbasin, without overflow, enamelled on all sides and available in different THLAT
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